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I tried www.wurd.com just now and like Gary Wong I succeeded. There
is/was an internal link from www.att.net but I don't know about
Gary Wong wrote:
> I was able to access it...
> jack.huffman@worldnet.att.net wrote:
>> Norm,
>> www.wurd.com could not be located according to att.com. What is my
>> problem?
>> Jack
>> In <46A4096A.6010200@worldnet.att.net>, on 07/22/2007 at 06:50 PM,
>> Norm Metcalf said:
>>> I have AT&T DSL service, which I'm using with eCS, Linux and
>>> Windows. Their phone support is totally for Windows using their
>>> provided DSL modem. Even if your phone and DSL lines are out of
>>> order you get the run-around. One of the first things they want you
>>> to do is to disconnect your router. However, they have an
>>> excellent website at www.wurd.com
>>> which has instructions for other operating systems, settings, etc.
>>> Another possible provider in Costa Mesa is
>>> www.westcoastinternet.com I don't know if they serve Costa Mesa but
>>> a friend nearby to Costa Mesa is very happy with their service.
>>> Their website has instructions on how to find out if they serve your
>>> line.
>>> Norm Metcalf, Boulder Colorado
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