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> Did you add yourself as a user on your wife's machine and visa versa?
> Since this is a Peer setup, there is no centralize user adminstration.
> You need to add each user on every system the user will be allowed to
> access. For each user, the userid and password needs to match on every
> system.
They match.
> On the Users page, check that you have the correct set of users defined on
> each system.
> On the Shares pages, check that the shares are active.
The shares are active.
> On the Connectins pages, check that the connections are active.
I tried to make connections. I can see both computers on each machine
when I try to make a connection. I suppose I want to make a connection
on the other machine, right.
I made connections. When they are active I cannot get to them by the
assigned local drive, nor by the drives folder. They show up, but the
desktop hangs when I try to access. I then do reset of WPS which works
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