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Steven Levine wrote:
> In <442724D5.7090307@san.rr.com>, on 03/26/06
> at 03:33 PM, Tom Brown said:
>>I tried un-installing, then re-installing on the SMP machine, checking
>>with lxlite before and after clicking OK on the license info. It was
>>correct both times. The mystery deepens. I don't know of any way to
>>re-create this now.
> Are you saying you did something to fix the problem? Good work. :-)
>>I guess I'll forward this to Peter. Maybe he can make some sense of it!
> Just be sure to tell him that you no longer can recreate the problem. You
> might offer to send him a copy of the corrupted pmview.exe.
>>Thanks for all your help, as usual!
> Find and fix'em, I guess. :-)
> Steven
I re-installed for the n-th time, from the same source. This time it
works! Lxlite shows Peter's copyright, etc. as it is supposed to.
Pure dumb luck on my part! Must have had something to do with SMP or
maybe just gremlins! I forwarded your note with the lxlite stuff to him
with a short preamble explaining that I don't know how to re-create the
problem. Another note offering a copy of the failing version.
Tom Brown, Catherder
thombrown at san dot rr dot com
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