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Content Type: text/plain
J R FOX wrote:
> --- Colin Campbell wrote:
>> I had not saved the file, nor had I set an
>> AutoSave option.
>> Is there a way to get that information back?
> Probably not. I've had this happen -- with other
> app.s -- every once in a while, and it's a PITA for
> sure. But a lot of app.s have an AutoSave feature.
> My circa-very-early-'90s DOS word processor has it. I
> must admit that I almost never turn it on, though, as
> its functioning provides a brief but noticeable pause
> and distraction. So, that choice is all on me.
> However, certain types of crashes or mishaps with that
> program (quite rare) are likely to throw off some sort
> of temp file with an obvious gibberish name, and this
> has been a semi-salvation in some cases.
> Jordan
Well, the AutoSave is on now, for all the good it does me on this
document. I just went to sleep when setting up OO, and never finished
protecting myself.
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