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Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1
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Based upon good reviews on the various on-line magazines and your stellar
write-up below, I just got myself a WRT54G (version 4.0) for $49 at
Wal-Mart. I read the docs last night and am quite excited to try it out. I
don't presently have a LAN, so I will wait for my DSL modem from Earthlink
to arrive before reconfiguring everything. At last, I'm getting my stuff up
to the 20th Century!
I really like how they reduced everything down to my level yet still packed
it with features. I got a real chuckle over how Linksys puts bright orange
warning stickers on everything, including the ethernet ports, saying "RUN C=
FIRST before connecting cables". I got another chuckle over the FAQs on th=
card in the box; one asked (paraphrasing) Why won't my phone cord fit in th=
RJ-45 jack?
I think I will filter by MAC address, since that looks pretty easy and quit=
secure. I'm not sure what SPI is for, so I will need to re-read that part.
John Morrow
Atascadero, California
JA (underscore) Morrow (at) yahoo dot com
On 12/16/05, Stanley Sidlov wrote:
> Still on sale at Staples ($39 after $15 rebate) It of course does "B"
> protocol and supports OS/2 compatible WEP encryption.
> And if you are one of the lucky ones with the internal 2100/2200 B/G
> mini-pci cards, it does "G" too or both.
> The V4 of the WRT54G is the SAME hardware as the new WRT54GL which costs
> $79 and is touted as the new 'open format' router.
> I put in one of these, and I find it with the available 3rd party firmwar=
> (MIPS processor running Linux) to be a fantastic
> router. It is configurable from FireFox on OS/2. I put in 'HyperWrt 4.30.=
2Tofu 11' and I find that it gives me all the
> information about my connection and the flexibility that the original
> firmware didn't have (and it's more stable too). BTW,
> the most popular firmware is mostly GUI, and looks very similar to the
> standard firmware.
> You MUST be sure to get V4 or earlier models:
> The first four digits of the serial number will indicate the packaged
> hardware version. If
> unit is outside of the box, the version is indicated on the silver sticke=
> on the bottom
> front of the router.
> WRT54G
> CDF0 =3D WRT54G v1.0
> CDF1 =3D WRT54G v1.0
> CDF2 =3D WRT54G v1.1
> CDF3 =3D WRT54G v1.1
> CDF5 =3D WRT54G v2.0
> CDF7 =3D WRT54G v2.2
> CDF8 =3D WRT54G v3.0
> CDF9 =3D WRT54G v3.1
> CDFA =3D WRT54G v4.0
> CDFB =3D WRT54G v5.0 VxWorks based not compatible
> CGN0 =3D WRT54GS v1.0
> CGN1 =3D WRT54GS v1.0
> CGN2 =3D WRT54GS v1.1
> CGN3 =3D WRT54GS v2.0
> CGN4 =3D WRT54GS v2.1
> CGN5 =3D WRT54GS v3.0
> CGN6 =3D WRT54GS v4.0
> Anyway, with these modestly priced routers you can with the alternate
> firmware make them act like ones costing hundreds of
> dollars.
> You can:
> 1. Use the wireless as a hotspot (there's even a billing/control module
> available)
> 2. The wireless and wired lans can be different subnets
> 3. Each port on the unit can be a different virtual lan, and depending on
> the mode of the unit, even the WAN port can be
> used as a Vlan.
> 4. run scripts to modify the runtime parameters that control the number o=
> connections, how long they connect, etc.
> 5. control the output of the wireless transmitters and receiver -- they
> say that it's possible to make the cheaper "G" work
> like the speed booster "G" 54 vs 108mbs.
> 6. Run Samba server
> 7. all sorts of options for your kid's games
> 8. Unit can act as a Internet Gateway, a simple router, a wireless bridge=
> and some combinations of these.
> 9. automatic DDNS configuration for services like, TZO, DYNDNS and others
> (depends on third party firmware used).
> 10.VOIP QOS control, QOS control for individual MAC or Port configuration=
> bandwidth limitation by mac or port.
> 11. antennas are removable and can be replaced with bigger ones or
> extended way from the unit.
> I'm sure there's more, but it is a great router.
> ------------------------ Yahoo! Groups Sponsor --------------------~-->
> Get Bzzzy! (real tools to help you find a job). Welcome to the Sweet Life=
> http://us.click.yahoo.com/KIlPFB/vlQLAA/TtwFAA/E8folB/TM
> --------------------------------------------------------------------~->
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> http://groups.yahoo.com/group/os2user/
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Content-Type: text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1
Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
Content-Disposition: inline
Based upon good reviews on the various on-line magazines an=
d your stellar write-up below, I just got myself a WRT54G (version 4.0) for=
$49 at Wal-Mart. I read the docs last night and am quite excited to try it=
out. I don't presently have a LAN, so I will wait for my DSL modem from Ea=
rthlink to arrive before reconfiguring everything. At last, I'm getting my =
stuff up to the 20th Century!
I really like how they reduced everything down to my level yet stil=
l packed it with features. I got a real chuckle over how Linksys puts brigh=
t orange warning stickers on everything, including the ethernet ports, sayi=
ng "RUN CD FIRST before connecting cables". I got another c=
huckle over the FAQs on the card in the box; one asked (paraphrasing) Why w=
on't my phone cord fit in the RJ-45 jack?
I think I will filter by MAC address, since that looks pretty easy =
and quite secure. I'm not sure what SPI is for, so I will need to re-read t=
hat part.
John Morrow Atascadero, California
JA (underscore) Morrow (at) yahoo dot com
ail_quote">On 12/16/05, Stanley Sidlov &l=
t;stanleys@cybernex.net> wr=
b(204, 204, 204); margin: 0pt 0pt 0pt 0.8ex; padding-left: 1ex;">Still on s=
ale at Staples ($39 after $15 rebate) It of course does "B" proto=
col and supports OS/2 compatible WEP encryption.
And if you are one of the lucky ones with the internal 2100/2200 B/G mi=
ni-pci cards, it does "G" too or both.
The V4 of the WRT54=
G is the SAME hardware as the new WRT54GL which costs $79 and is touted as =
the new 'open format' router.
I put in one of these, and I find it with the available 3rd party f=
irmware (MIPS processor running Linux) to be a fantastic router. It is c=
onfigurable from FireFox on OS/2. I put in 'HyperWrt 4.30.2 Tofu 11' and I =
find that it gives me all the
information about my connection and the flexibility that the original f=
irmware didn't have (and it's more stable too). BTW, the most popular fi=
rmware is mostly GUI, and looks very similar to the standard firmware.
You MUST be sure to get V4 or earlier models:
The first four dig=
its of the serial number will indicate the packaged hardware version. If
>unit is outside of the box, the version is indicated on the silver sticker=
on the bottom
front of the router. WRT54G CDF0 =3D WRT54G v1.0 CDF1 =3D WRT5=
4G v1.0 CDF2 =3D WRT54G v1.1 CDF3 =3D WRT54G v1.1 CDF5 =3D WRT54G =
v2.0 CDF7 =3D WRT54G v2.2 CDF8 =3D WRT54G v3.0 CDF9 =3D WRT54G v3.=
1 CDFA =3D WRT54G=20
v4.0 CDFB =3D WRT54G v5.0 VxWorks based not compatible
>CGN0 =3D WRT54GS v1.0 CGN1 =3D WRT54GS v1.0 CGN2 =3D WRT54GS v1.1
>CGN3 =3D WRT54GS v2.0 CGN4 =3D WRT54GS v2.1 CGN5 =3D WRT54GS v3.0
>CGN6 =3D WRT54GS=20
Anyway, with these modestly priced routers you can with the=
alternate firmware make them act like ones costing hundreds of dollars.=
You can: 1. Use the wireless as a hotspot (there's even a billin=
g/control module available)
2. The wireless and wired lans can be different subnets 3. Each port=
on the unit can be a different virtual lan, and depending on the mode of t=
he unit, even the WAN port can be used as a Vlan. 4. run scripts to m=
odify the runtime parameters that control the number of connections, how lo=
ng they connect, etc.
5. control the output of the wireless transmitters and receiver -- they=
say that it's possible to make the cheaper "G" work like the =
speed booster "G" 54 vs 108mbs. 6. Run Samba server 7. all =
sorts of options for your kid's games
8. Unit can act as a Internet Gateway, a simple router, a wireless brid=
ge, and some combinations of these. 9. automatic DDNS configuration for =
services like, TZO, DYNDNS and others (depends on third party firmware used=
10.VOIP QOS control, QOS control for individual MAC or Port configurati=
on, bandwidth limitation by mac or port. 11. antennas are removable and =
can be replaced with bigger ones or extended way from the unit.
I'm sure there's more, but it is a great router.
--------------------- Yahoo! Groups Sponsor --------------------~--> =
Get Bzzzy! (real tools to help you find a job). Welcome to the Sweet Life.
tp://us.click.yahoo.com/KIlPFB/vlQLAA/TtwFAA/E8folB/TM -------------=
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The Southern California OS/2 User Group
P.O. Box 26904
Santa Ana, CA 92799-6904, USA
Copyright 2001 the Southern California OS/2 User Group. ALL RIGHTS
SCOUG, Warp Expo West, and Warpfest are trademarks of the Southern California OS/2 User Group.
OS/2, Workplace Shell, and IBM are registered trademarks of International
Business Machines Corporation.
All other trademarks remain the property of their respective owners.