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In <20060214175132-55067-14@scoug.com>, on 02/14/06
at 05:51 PM, "Harry Motin" said:
>I don't think that will work. I've only been successful one time
>installing new hardware and then booting my old OS setup on the new
>hardware. That was on a motherboard upgrade several years ago. The last
>several times that I tried to upgrade the motherboard (in an effort to
>get rid of/isolate the hardware problem), my system booted up on the new
>motherboard only the first 2 or 3 times. After that, it would not boot to
> completion (boot froze).
Then you probably had something else wrong with your system. In general,
eCS/OS2 could care less about about hardware changes. Worst case you will
really need to reboot with full hardware detection.
I've swapped in more new hardware than I can recall in more than a few
systems and the boxes just continue to work.
"Steven Levine" MR2/ICE 2.67 #10183 Warp/eCS/DIY/14.103a_W4
www.scoug.com irc.fyrelizard.com #scoug (Wed 7pm PST)
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