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I received this reply to my previous scoug-help post when I sent it to the
Scitech help desk:
>To: jack.huffman@att.net
>Subject: Ticket 666
>From: SciTech HelpDesk
>Reply-To: stevew@scitechsoft.com
>Ticket #666
>Short Description: Am ready to install ATI Radeon 9550 AGP card on
>system running Warp4 fxpk15. ATI says must have motherboard driver.
>Only available ones come in Windows (which I do not run) and DOS(!).
>> I am assuming the two will work together at 4X.
>> Is that assumption correct?
>Yes, I know of no reason it wouldn't work that way (although I'm no
>expert on ASUS motherboards or VIA chipsets).
>> My video driver is Scitech build level 0.099.
>Actually, that refers to the IBM GRADD build level. You can find the
>SNAP Graphics version and build number in the version.txt file.
>> Does the Scitech driver provide the equivalent of a graphics
>> driver and a motherboard driver?
>For AGP support, yes.
>> Do I need to uninstall and reinstall as ATI recommends?
>No - SNAP Graphics provides drivers for both the Matrox and ATI
>chipsets, and dynamically loads the appropriate code.
Ray Davison said the scitech driver works with almost any card. Add this
one to the list.
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