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Steven Levine wrote:
> In <45831AD9.9000006@verizon.net>, on 12/15/06
> at 12:42 PM, Jizba said:
>> Yes my servers domain name is news.verizon.net (I used that in
>> thunderbird and Mozilla). I also entered this domain name in at least one
>> place in seamonkey--to no avail.
> I suspect this may be the wrong server name. From the command line, try
> telnet -p 119 news.verizon.net
> or if this does not work
> telnet news.verizon.net 119
> The telnet command syntax changes depending on the tcp/ip version you are
> running.
> The server does not respond here, but that could be because Verizon is not
> my ISP.
> Regards,
> Steven
I found one anomaly that may explain the problem. On my
dialer I use ppp, but the entries for IP address and Destination IP
address are and have always been blank. But now 'help' tells me
that this can be only on slip but not on ppp. My interpretation is
that until recently verizon filled out these entries with ppp as well,
but that the requirement was changed recently. I will try to get
in touch with verizon to find out the proper values.
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