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In <20060405184607.72192.qmail@web81406.mail.mud.yahoo.com>, on 04/05/2006
at 10:46 AM, J R FOX said:
>Wondering what the deal is with this "new & improved"
>Shutdown ? Something to do with ACPI, and maybe some
>defaults I haven't set somewhere ? (Can't be in the
>System BIOS: W2K turns off the hardware after shutdown
>just fine.) The 2.0b Shutdown has a slicker look to
>it in operation, but once it has cleared away the
>desktop and announced that the computer can be turned
>OFF, nothing else happens. THAT I wouldn't be too
>concerned about, one way or the other, but THEN the
>Power Off switch has zero effect ! The only sure Off
>at this point is to pull out the power plug. And this
>does bug me.
For awhile I thought the power button on my 1.25 system wouldn't switch power off and I powered down with the rocker switch on the power strip. But if I hold the power button for a few seconds it does turn off.
Benedict G. Archer
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