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Steven Levine wrote:
>In <4448E94F.9050603@verizon.net>, on 04/21/06
> at 07:18 AM, Zdenek Jizba said:
>>I just checked "local System > "Install/Remove" > there is no such
>>folder called
>>"eCS maintenance tool". If there was one I would long time ago have used
>You may never have installed it. This makes sense since you don't know
>what it is.
>As Colin noted, you can download it from www.ecomstation.com and install
I am having problem with www.ecomstation.com. When I tried logging in
I used the password that I had previously saved. That password gave an
error message. So yesterday I went thru the process of re-registering
again and
obtained a new password. So yesterday I got in (but did not download any
software). Today I used my new password, and again I got the message that
my loggin was in error. This time I could not even re-register. So at the
moment I am unable to download the maintenance tool. (Why does it ask
me about eCS 1.0 and not about eCS 1.2? and why does it offer two names
one being mine for logging in?)
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