> I am going to guess
> that your problem
> was whatever Win did to the MBR, not the partition.
I'm quite sure about the result, even if I don't know
the 'Why' of it. I just know that the results were
not bootable. I could get to the Win-32 Boot Loader,
but the boot either would not happen at all, or it
would not nearly run to completion. AT BEST, there
would be a security lockout, before the Win desktop
even starts to build. Theories: several, but I won't
go into them just now. Except to say that I think MS
squirrels away some things in unorthodox places
(including "free" space), probably incl. User / HDD /
Partition verification info of some kind. If you
don't use W2K or XP, then you won't have run into
this. But all kinds of garbage is left behind when
you simply overwrite, whether the partition was
de-listed or not. Best to start over cleanly.
> > out this operation while running off of a good UPS
> What for? The worst thing that can happen is that
> your copy will be
> bad and you will have to do it again.
You really like to roll the dice, 'ey ? Drive at 100
m.p.h. at night, also ?
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