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yES I first tried from a browser.
Just now I could open the server from the command line but
I don't know the password so can't send anything. I have a terrific file
to send you (The Knack)
On Tue, 18 Oct 2005 18:28:07 PDT7, Peter Skye wrote:
>Jeffrey Race wrote:
>> <>
>> 530 login incorrect
>I see my server eventually let you in at 4:36 p.m. -- not sure why it
>didn't work earlier. Was your first attempt from a browser? I'm still
>trying to figure out how to allow browser ftp access.
> sent me a nice picture of some ducks. BackEnd.exe says the
>anonymous ducksender isn't so anon and I should say thanks to Tom for
>the jpg'd feathers.
>And (hi S.C.) sent a picture of his pup Merlin.
>Also have connection attempts so far from
> (hi M.O.)
> (hi M.R.)
> (hi R.D.)
>Thanks everyone, I guess my ftpd is working okay.
>Mark O., you mentioned dyndns et al in your uploaded message. That's
>where I'm headed, and what I'm trying to do is gather all the bits &
>pieces together and test them. My domains are already registered
>(GoDaddy, Network Solutions) and what I want to do is "bounce" the
>users' web pages through my own machine to the actual servers. This ftp
>server test was to make sure that my trusers (ftp control) file was
>correct and that my firewall would pass the traffic. I currently use
>ZoneEdit for redirection and I believe there is a utility which will
>automatically update a ZoneEdit account when your DHCP IP address
>changes (probably on Hobbes with a search on "ZoneEdit"). Next step:
>getting Apache working.
>I'm still using W4FP10 and the old 16-bit stack. If there are any
>security holes I'd sure like to know . . .
>One person cellphoned and said he couldn't log in from a browser using
>this url:
> ftp://TempTest:morzonik@
>I tried with my browser and it doesn't work for me either -- I get the
>"530 login incorrect" message. Does anyone know how to ftp from a
>browser? My notes say that the url format
>ftp://username:password@ should work, but it doesn't and
>my logs don't show the keystrokes for a login attempt so I can't see
>what the browser is attempting to do.
>Thanks again to everyone,
>- Peter
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