>In <>, on 10/04/05
> at 05:51 PM, (Sandy Shapiro) said:
>>right out of the box. Under eCS, the wireless lan utility monitor says:
>>No WLAN driver installed.
A few more things.
Using a Windows computer, I changed the IP address of the Asus Pocket AP
from to as is shown in Dani's example.
Now, in eCS, if the pocket-ap is in "Ethernet" mode, and I type netstat
-r, the output looks more like Dani's example (see netstat.eth). If I
switch the pocket-ap to "AP" mode and type netstat -r, I get more
information (see netstat.ap). My router is
It looks like the pocket ap is trying to access the access point attached
to my router (I can see lights blinking at both ends).
But the wireless lan utility monitor still says "no WLAN driver
Also, using a browser, like Dani suggests, I cannot access the pocket AP
by typing or anything else, either in ethernet mode or
in AP mode.
I think if I could get my wlan driver on line, I might be able to get more
Please let me know if you have any suggestions.
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