I never knew about the existence of multiple trash
cans, but I have a different problem with the only one
I can see on my desktop in eCS 1.2. Following the
involuntary desktop reorganization of a couple weeks
back, I find that the Trash Can icon absolutely
resists any attempt to move it to another location on
the desktop. (Don't know if that was the case
*before* I had to re-situate all the desktop objects
to where I wanted them.) And I really don't want it
where it insists on being right now. Since I never
use the dang thing anyway, I would seriously consider
zapping it altogether, if I knew how, and there were
no ill effects in doing so. The only sort of Trash
Can I might have some use for -- hopefully on rare
occasions -- would be one that can do what the old
"Black Hole" utility used to offer.
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