>was while this was happening. I did not find the
>result until I left Moz and went back to the desktop.
During the time you left Moz and the Desktop sorted itself, you were no
longer in Moz. It no longer had the focus, so it had no chance to process
your kestrokes or mouse clicks. The same is true when you click the Moz
icon. There's a period of time between when you click on the icon until
Moz gets keyboard and mouse focus.
IAC, focus is not quite the static thing you seem to perceive it to be.
Even when Moz has the focus, there are other apps that are looking at the
keyboard and mouse clicks. If not things like Ctrl-Esc and Alt-Tab would
not work.
>Nor getting zapped by something at a website ? How
>about some misfiring of the Scitech video drivers ?
No and No. It's much easier to believe the Desktop received an errant RMB
-> Arrange request.
>O.K., but doesn't that have to be close to immediately
>after the situation occurs ?
No. Just before the next WPS shutdown which could be weeks later. The
arrangement of the Desktop icons is one of the few things that is not
saved until a WPS shutdown. This differs from things like the icon
arrangement within other folders. These are saved shortly after they are
"Steven Levine" MR2/ICE 2.67 #10183 Warp4.something/14.100c_W4 #scoug (Wed 7pm PST)
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