>>of, I ran MPTS and intalled my wireless lan card. It seems to be working
>>-- Wlanstat says I am connected to the internet. But neither MR2/ICE nor
>>Mozilla can connect. There must be one more step I need to do.
>At least. Let's move this to a separate thread and do the standard
>networking drill with copies of:
> \config.sys
> \startup.cmd (if you have one)
> \ibmcom\lantran.log
> \ibmcom\protocol.ini
> \ibmcom\macs\yournic.nif (yournic is the name of your nic's nif)
> \ibmlan\ibmlan.ini (if you have LAN networking installed)
> \mptn\bin\setup.cmd
> \mptn\etc\dhcpcd.cfg
> \mptn\etc\resolv*
Hi Steven,
I had to remove the eCS installation for now, but I did notice that there
was NO IBMLAN subdirectory!
At some point I would like to put the eCS installation back on my 600E
Thinkpad and try to get the LAN working. In case looking at config.sys
will be of any help, here is a copy of it.
Please let me know if you think this can be done manually or if I need to
try reinstalling the ECS operating system from scratch.
(I suspect the Thinkpad utilities need to be in place first before the
Install program can even see the LAN adapter).
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