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Hi Wayne
Sorry for having you confused again ;-(
The previously given link to FAT32 @ Netlabs was the entry page
I could have had presented:
but then one will miss the intro ;-|
BTW: Henk Kelder has passed his FAT32 project to Netlabs =
a while ago ...
=2E.. and so Hobbes' files seem not to be accurate anymore ;-((
Hope this makes your confusion gone ;-))
Cheers, svob=EF
= on 08.06.2005 05:40:52
Please respond to
cc: =
Subject: SCOUG-Help: multipole OS'es / advice & guidance sought
i-lists wrote:
>Hi Wayne
>Thanks for your answer, hints / thoughts and URL's ;-)
>First an important feedback to you and you SCOUG'ians:
>Newest FAT32 is at version 9.10 !!!
>See & get from here:
> =
You have me confused once again, Svobi.... the netlabs link you
gave =
(above) does not seem to have a downloadable OS/2 Fat32.ifs file;
for =
Fat32 it has links to Yahoo user and developer groups Fat32user
and =
Fat32dev (and to Hobbes, which has an old version of Fat32.ifs).
In the =
Yahoo user group Fat32user there is a files section, which has a
file =
labelled, which turns out to be Fat32.ifs, but it
does =
not say it is version 9.10. I did not attempt to gain access to
the =
Fat32dev group, since I'm not a developer.
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