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Date: Sun, 2 Jan 2005 15:05:58 PST8
From: < "" > >
Subject: SCOUG-Help: eCS 1.2 install failure

Content Type: text/plain

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>Contrary to the "It's really a breeze now" demos we've had at meetings, m=
>attempts to install eCS 1=2E2 on a partition of the Shuttle box yesterday=

>were a resounding failure=2E

Steven replied to me:

> Consider yourself special=2E :-)

Thanks much for your prompt reply=2E

Well, you know, if there is *any* way to find a non-standard or _original_=

result, I'm your guy !=20

>> I zeroed out the contents of the partition first,

> Using what? Fast format or dfsee? Fast format should have been

DFSEE=2E Wasn't leaving it to chance=2E O=2EK=2E, so now I know it's ove=

> >presence of the JFS line in Config=2ESys (which had been fatal on some
>> hardware, apparently including the Shuttle), meaning that this problem
>> never did get fixed from the 1=2E1 installer=2E

> I suspect what you mean is some partition layouts=2E Jfs=2Eifs can not =
> the hardware directly=2E Did you restore the jfs=2Eifs statement after =
> discovered that this was not the problem?

In the course of doing this -- trying to run through all the possibilities=

-- and before I threw in the towell, I undid any changes I had made, incl=2E=

the JFS line=2E

>> It turned out >that the choke point was "Autocheck:*" on the HPFS line=2E=
>> Must be the existing NTFS partitions causing indigestion=2E

> This is possible=2E Hpfs=2Eifs really should be smart enough to skip th=
> partition, but one never knows=2E If you can replicate this, please rep=
> it to the bugtracker, unless it is already there=2E

I probably will have a chance to replicate the whole procedure, and may
have to attempt it more than once=2E In that case, once I get the bugtrac=
URL, I can follow up on that=2E

>> The next roadblock seemed to be that Peer install failed=2E "The secon=
>> phase of installation aborted with error code 21=2E" The log says "Pro=
>> returned 0x003, unexpected condition=2E"

> Which log?

I'll have to check=2E It was one of the last time/dated logs that seemed
related to Peer in some way=2E

> We need more info, but error 3 is usually path not found=2E We need to
> figure out which path=2E

O=2EK=2E 'Path Not Found' seems so fundamental=2E I'm wondering how that=


>> The installer did nothing beyond this point=2E

> This is working as implemented=2E An error of this nature stops the
> install=2E

I'll buy that=2E

>> This leaves a bare, minimalist, VGA desktop that looks to be not very =
>> useful=2E

>> It is sufficient for the installer, which is why it exists=2E It's not=

>> intended to ready for production use by end users=2E =20

This seems to imply that it *could* be a sufficient launching pad for
successfully completing the install =2E =2E =2E though that sounds like i=
t might
require the sort of hands-on, command line type stuff you needed to
intervene with to finesse the 1=2E1 installs for this box (?)

> Also, as you might suspect, the error you encountered is not supposed to=
> occur=2E

I'll buy that too=2E

>> I tried RESUME=2ECMD as the install booklet suggests=2E The MPTS setup=

opening >> screen flashes on for a split second, and then disappears=2E=20=

(There seems to >> be at least one additional log associated with this, an=
I could quote from >> it, if I knew what to look for=2E) =20

>> The best way to use the logs is to sort them in date descending order=2E=
>> The "newest" log usually does no more that indentify the install
>> component that failed=2E The next newest log is usally the detail log =
>> the failing install component=2E

I'll try to keep that in mind for the next go-'round=2E

> Appendix F lists the files you need to collect for support=2E If the lo=
> did not get zipped, you need to do this yourself=2E If you want me to
> review them, e-mail them to me=2E

Thanks=2E They'll be coming down the pipeline shortly=2E

> As you might expect, resume=2Ecmd has not been tested in all possible
> failure scenarios=2E The logs may provide some details as to why it see=
> to be confused=2E

Hope so=2E

> If you want to invest the time, you might try another install, leaving o=
> Peer=2E This will tell us if the failure is really the Peer install or
> something else=2E

Sure=2E I've got little to lose at this point, and with 1/9 looking iffy =
me, I might as well give it a shot, or two=2E

>> Perhaps I would have done better migrating over top of the prior 1=2E1,=

vs=2E >> the clean install ?=20

> Perhaps, although common sense says a migrate is always more complex and=
> thus more prone to failure than a standard install=2E

My thinking there was that the 1=2E1 *had* a _working_ TCP/IP, MPTS, Peer,=

whatever=2E If those setups remained intact, although with various update=
files, maybe the particular problems seen here do not arise ? If the
_regular_ re-install attempt(s) should also fail, maybe a Migration run
would then be worth a try ?


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http://mail2web=2Ecom/ =2E


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