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In <112185.>, on 02/01/2005
at 03:08 PM, "Steven Levine" said: >In
<>, on 02/01/05 > at
02:35 PM, "George M. Boyd" said:
>>My NIC in the OS/2 machine apparently has failed. Any
>>recommendations for a replacement that has OS/2 drivers?
>Anything with an RTL8139 will work very well. You might ask Larry Tawa
>if he has any of the Hawkings left.
If you still need a new OS/2 NIC, , let me know; one NIC 100/10 realtek
with your name is available at my cost. Last year, I ended up with 60+
Realtek NICs and somehow have found good homes for most of them. Since I
am running out of Realtek NICs, I am of course on the lookout for new
Just got home - work extremely busy.
"Larry Tawa"
eComStation 1.2 - MR/2 ICE 2.67 #19553
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