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If you are responding to someone asking for help who
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In <>, on 02/03/05
at 10:59 AM, Peter Skye said:
>Wait. The consensus at the meetings was that we weren't going to block
>spam. I don't mind if you tag it and send it on its way, and let the
>recipient filter on the tag.
That is the plan. I'm not sure that INetMail can do this for us. We
might need to insert something in the path.
>The spam isn't a list problem, it's a user account problem -- for
>example, you can send mail to user account and spam does
>arrive at that mailbox -- but I have plenty of filtering here.
I have filter too, but not everyone has filters that really work. This
would help make these mailboxes more useful.
"Steven Levine" MR2/ICE 2.67 #10183 Warp4.something/14.100c_W4 #scoug (Wed 7pm PST)
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