> >version) says that this document does NOT have
> >security enabled.
> Then, unless there are version compatibility issues,
> you should be able to
> view it.
No, viewing it was never a problem -- I did that a few
different ways. *Changing* it was the problem.
> Why don't you just use one of them?
Next time I probably will. Distiller, I suppose,
unless there is something simpler and readily to hand.
This document was only 2 pages long, and I was under
a deadline, so it was simply more expedient to retype
and reformat the damn thing from scratch.
> >Minor edits. Change the numbers in a few dates
> >mentioned in the text.
> What's the problem? Are you have trouble locating
> the text to edit?
Only with the Hex editor, but I guess that was never
gonna work. None of the tools cited allowed me to
make any changes.
> I suspect so. Newer versions of Acrobat Reader have
> the ability to mark
> up an existing document, but best I can tell, this
> is not what you are
> trying to do.
Markups wouldn't have cut it. I had to change a
couple of effective dates mentioned in the text, and
repair a couple of serious typos the author missed.
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