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Content Type: text/plain
I can now follow up on a question I asked at the
meeting on Sat. Per Steven's suggestion, I created a
new & pristine Test Profile in Moz 1.7.11. All
standard defaults, no customized anything. The first
thing I did with this was attempt to reach the control
screens for the Sonic Wall. Same results as I've seen
ever since *at least* Moz 1.4, and most likely earlier
with the Mozilla suite. What happens ? I keep
getting repeatedly dumped back to the Sign-In box,
where one must enter a User Name + Password to get any
further. It is apparently deaf and blind to anything
coming from Mozilla. (Per Sheridan's suggestion, I
appended ":8080" to the User Name, and this made no
difference. Or was that supposed to be tacked onto
the Password ?)
As before, I can continue to do Command & Control on
the firewall box via NS 4.61 -- No Problem. Good
enough reason to keep that around, and I'm glad
Serenity hasn't dropped it from the eCS install.
Any new theories, Steven, in light of this ?
Meanwhile, your Test Profile idea has already proven
its value. I just got the Copy To Plain Text
extension working for the first time -- my 2nd. item
of business with this profile, after confirming the
firewall problem continues. The error box I had sent
off to Jeremy Glick a few months ago did not make any
You generally don't need this particular extension on
the Dark Side, because of something similar that's
already built into WinBlows, but I had seen a
similar-but-different error box over there when trying
to use this extension. So, this may be a favorable
by-product of moving to the later Mozilla version.
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