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Date: Thu, 4 Aug 2005 08:57:38 PDT7
From: "Mark Abramowitz" < >
Subject: SCOUG-Help: scan to PDf

In <>, on 08/03/05
at 10:39 PM, (Sandy Shapiro) said:

>What I need to do is take the six jpeg files (one for each page) and
>convert them to one PDF file. It looks like ePDF can only convert one at
>a time -- ie: six PDF files. Is that not the case?

I believe that there is a utility that can put together several pdfs.
However, I do what you want to do not infrequently. There is probably an
easier way to do it, but I don't remember what it is.

The key is finding an application which will allow you to import each of
those scanned files into one document.

There are two different cases. In instances where I am scanning pages
that don't need to be in color, which is normally the situation, I will
save the pages as dcx files, and then bring them into PM Fax, which will
allow you to bring them in as separate pages. From there, I print to

In instances where there are pages with color, try importing them into
your word processor as separate pages, sized as a full page. Then print
from there to ePDF.

Note: I just looked in my VOICE news folder, and found that you can get, which will allow you to
merge multiple pdfs together. It may be a better choice for color pdfs.

Mark Abramowitz


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