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Date: Mon, 20 Sep 2004 22:17:37 PDT7
From: "Larry Tawa" < >
Subject: SCOUG-Help: AMD 64

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In <87810.>, on 09/18/2004
at 11:53 PM, "Larry Tawa" said:

>I just sent an email to David asking about the 512 MB RAM problem he
>reported in this OS/2 eZine article of September 16, 2003. If he
>replies with his permission, I will repost his answer here.

David T. Johnson answered and with his permission below (note: my words
are prefixed with ">" while David's are not for ease of reading.

> Hi David,
> Regarding your article "OS/2 Meets 64-bit Opteron:OS/2 Meets 64-bit
> Opteron" in OS/2 eZine September 16, 2003, you discussed the ASUS SK8N
> motherboard. Since then have you ever been able to boot OS/2 4.5+ with
> greater than 512 MB RAM?

yes, I am running Warp 4.52 fp4 with 1.5 GB with no problems. I had to
REM out the apm.sys and testcfg.sys drivers in the config.sys file to
boot the SK8N with more than 512mb. I think there are some other ways to
work around the problem but this was simple and quick to do and the
system runs great so I haven't done any more testing. OS/2 uses the 1.5
GB of memory without any problems for such things as Virtual PC. Here
are some other SK8N-related notes:

1) The ALC650 onboard sound chipset now works with the latest Uniaud
driver (22 January 2004 version). Not only does it work, but it actually
works quite well with very nice sound quality. RealPlayer 8 under ODIN
and Warpvision also work with this driver on the SK8N. It can be
download here:

2) Upgrading to the most recent version 1007 BIOS will significantly
change the IRQ assignments and also prevents the IBMINT13.I13 generic
SCSI driver from working for some reason. If you don't use this driver
(which hardly anyone does) this will not be a problem except that your
second (of four) utility disk probably loads this driver automatically
and will therefore fail. Therefore, if you upgrade to the 1007 BIOS, you
need to edit the config.sys file on the second utility disk and put a REM
in front of the BASEDEV=IBMINT13.I13 line. You may also have an IRQ
conflict between PCI or onboard devices that will cause problems which
may necessitate moving a PCI card to a different slot or something. Look
at Hardware manager to see what is being used where and also note the IRQ
(shown in the boot-up messages) being used by the sound driver described
above to be sure that it does not conflict with an IRQ you might be
assigning for something else.

> Have you tried eComStation on this board, if so
> which version(s) and any success with the 512 MB RAM problem?

No, I have not tried eComStation.

"Larry Tawa"
eComStation 1.1 Fixpack 3 - MR/2 ICE 2.44 #19553


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