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Date: Mon, 8 Nov 2004 17:18:43 PST8
From: Tom Brown < >
Subject: SCOUG-Help: Time to find a new ISP

Content Type: text/plain

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Mark Abramowitz wrote:
> I'm interested in hearing recommendations from folks happy with the ISPs.
> Since my ISP was purchased, and especially the last year, and in
> excruciating pain the last several months, the quality of the service from
> my ISP (West Coast Internet) has deteriorated to the point that I've had
> enough. I should have figured that a move from an ISP that uses
> Unix-based servers to one that uses Windows servers was likely to be a
> ride to oblivion.
> Basically, I'm looking to go back to a reliable ISP that I really don't
> need to think about.
> An ideal ISP will: not have Windows servers; be OS indifferent; be
> reliable; allow me excellent choice of what features I want or don't want,
> and allow me to change my choice easily (I don't want my mail run through
> spam or virus filter); allow me to inexpensively receive mail to my
> business domain; have several mailboxes that I can change/maintain online;
> have good pricing for my limited needs. They may or may may not provide
> me with my DSL service.

I'm using RoadRunner via Time Warner Cable. I am quite satisfied with
it. I don't know what kind of servers they use. I don't use any special
features. I have 10MB of storage for a web site (unused) and up to 5
mailboxes (using 3). Dial-up is available on a limited basis ( up to 10
hours/mo) if I'm traveling with an extra charge if I go over that. You
must sign up inadvance for dial-up. As to OS support, I never tell them
that I am running OS/2 or eCS. I told the installer to just make the
modem work and DHCP worked like a champ.

I do get a prompt when I telnet to SCOUG.COM, so port 25 is not being

I could also get Earthlink or AOL via TW Cable.


Tom Brown
thombrown at san dot rr dot com
Member SCOUG, V.O.I.C.E. & SDAA
running eComStation GA + FP 3
eCS system uptime is 0 days 00:42 hours


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