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Date: Mon, 22 Nov 2004 16:01:58 PST8
From: Peter Skye < >
Subject: SCOUG-Help: stuck in exit list ?

Content Type: text/plain

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Steven Levine wrote:
> Has your app mix changed?

No change in my app mix. But I misspoke about them not being in PSTAT
/C. They are shown, but since they are all .cmd files they are simply
reported as cmd.exe by pstat. PSPM/2 (nice graphical display!) shows
they're all coming from pmshell, as they should be.

> BTW, do your startup folder icons normally stay hatched? Depending on
> what the objects do, they may or may not stay active. For example if the
> associated script starts a daemon and exits, the icon will not stay
> hatched, but the object is no longer active.

No, the startup folder icons don't stay hatched and neither do any of
the .cmd's which are started by the startup folder objects. I have
three or four levels of CALLs and STARTs and they all seem to be "stuck
in the exit list" all of a sudden.

Actually, the CALLs shouldn't matter, just the STARTs. My Startup
Folder starts several cmd.exe with .cmd files, and those .cmd then start
other .cmd's. I have 12 of these in my Startup Folder, and even my
SendMail starter is "stuck" (although SendMail is running just fine).

I need to trace through this stuff some more and figure out why a few of
them don't fail and most of them do.

> If the process exits before the WPS has a chance to update the
> switch list, the switch list entry hangs around until the next reboot.

Hmm. Let me try putting some wait timers at the end of a couple of
these to slow down the "exit" and see what happens.

> Since the switch list is part of PM, resetting
> the WPS does nothing to clean it up.

Hadn't tried that. One ResetWPS.exe later, you're correct -- it

I'll keep fiddling with it.

- Peter


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