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> Peter Skye wrote:
> >Then how come everybody else
> >has a better services file than I?
Gary Granat wrote:
> FWIW, my services files (there are actually three
> of them) all lack any references to "radius".
Steven just mentioned you get the bigger services when you upgrade to
TCP/IP 4.1.
On my Warp 4 Fixpak 10 machine I have:
Inet Version: 4.02y
On the server it's:
Version numbers of TCP/IP protocol drivers:
AFOS2.SYS: 6.2000
AFINET.SYS: 6.2002
What do _you_ have?
> >I'm being deprived of the very
> >essence of life. Does no one care?
> I guess I've been deprived all this time
> and didn't know it. Oh, well...
Hey, let me show you the Hollywood club circuit and I _guarantee_ you
won't feel deprived any longer. I mean, if you want to talk about
services . . .
- Peter
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