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Harry Motin wrote:
> First, hope you are using [UniMaint] version 5.10.23 or later (I
> think Jim made a limited distribution of a version after 5.10.23).
Yup, I'm using 5.10.25. 5.10.23 had a bug which was driving me nuts;
when I finally reported it they found the problem (an uninitialized
variable) and sent me the new 5.10.25.
> On my previous OS/2 machine I had to . . .
> 3. Wait until OS/2 writes the repaired information
> to the OS2*.INI files from the OS2*.!!! (you actually made the
> repairs to the opened OS2*.!!! files and not the OS2*.INI files).
Yes, you have to get the info into the actual OS2*.INI files.
I wrote a little .cmd which tells me if the OS2*.INI files have been
updated. Making sure they are both updated is a little tricky because
they aren't always written at the same time -- sometimes OS2.INI is
written but OS2SYS.INI requires waiting another minute or so. I don't
know why UniMaint's updates aren't applied to the OS2*.INI files in all
situations. Maybe the program isn't using the expected system calls to
modify the files.
Also, there's a buffer size limitation which Jim recently told me
about. I can't remember but I think he said it was 4 or 5 MB. I don't
know if that's for just one or for both OS2*.INI files, and I don't know
if there is both an input and output buffer within that space.
> I'm betting that after you get the UniMaint repairs to
> stick, you will have a lot less problems with Checkini.
Yes, fewer problems, but I still occasionally get a CheckINI hang (I got
one last week and I ran UniMaint first).
My hangs always occur in what I'll call the "drive handles" section
where each drive letter is displayed followed by whatever handles are
removed. The drive letters seem to show up in a different sequence on
each CheckINI run (I don't know why) and the hangs do appear to rely on
the sequence of the drive letters. And the hang isn't due to CheckINI
finding a lot of errors; the hang I got last week ran okay at my next
attempt and CheckINI found nothing to fix. Sure wish Henk had put in a
/Debug switch (I sometimes use /w which shows every handle but it's not
sufficient to figure out what is causing the hangs).
> I run Cleanini with the following parameters:
> /C /R /D:A /M /RFD
> . . .
> Delete all (equivalent to the parameters: '/D:FP /D:FC /D:MA /LOGDEL
That /Del:All (your /D:A) is the one that kept scrambling my INI's. I
haven't tried it in a long time; maybe I'll give it another shot.
Thanks, Harry.
- Peter
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