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In <>, on 04/19/04
at 04:11 PM, said:
>I am not understanding why you would use the acrobat object to open
>TaxAct. Is this a printer thing, or an Innotek kind of deal? Maybe I
>missed some prior posts about this?
Most OS/2 users seem to assume the rest of the OS/2 community is
clairvoyant so, like a typical OS/2 user, Ray omitted quite a bit of
At last Saturday's SCOUG meeting Mark Abramowitz gave a presentation on
how to use the Innotek runtime for applications other than those provided
by Innotek (i.e. Acrobat, Java 1.4 etc.).
One way to do this is to drop the file object fom the Windows app's
setup.exe on the Acrobat object created by the Innotek Acrobat install.
This is all standard OS/2 drag and drop functionailty. The result is
setup.exe starts under control of the Innotek runtime. If all goes well,
the app will install and run. It may or may not run better than it does
under an Odin install.
I guess Ray is now saying that the install appeared to run fine, but now
he does not know how to start the installed application. What he needs to
do is figure out the name of the installed Windows executable and drop it
on the Acrobat object. Of course, he may have already done this and had
it fail, but my mind reading skills are limited.
"Steven Levine" MR2/ICE 2.41 #10183 Warp4/FP15/14.093c_W4 #scoug (Wed 7pm PST)
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