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Hi everbody
My preferred choice is Gamma Tech Utiltiies 4.0 !
There are some others too but I always went to my GTU 4.0 !!
One finds more info here:
with further nonfunctional links ;-(
Here is the link to GT:
Well, regarding the LEO: Their files are quite, quite old =
and some files, I discovered, are from 1994 ;-((
Hope this helps. =
Regards, svobi
= on 16.09.2003 18.25.39
Please respond to
cc: =
Subject: SCOUG-Help: HPFS Defragmenter?
I should have mentioned that in Europe, LEO might =
be a good source, especially for the two older files. =
While Svobi can probably use the native German archives, =
most of us SCOUG-ians are stuck with the English =
portion of the site (thank you! LEO-folks). =
On 9/16/03, Steve Carter wrote, in part:
> For the latest release of FM/2 ... =
>On 9/16/03, Peter Hooper wrote, in part:
>>Does anyone know of a disk defragger for HPFS?
>>I was reading through the archive and found =
>>FileManager/2 by Barebones Software =
>> - could any one tell me how to get hold of this?
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