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Tom Brown wrote:
> damaged power connector
This should be a fairly easy fix, whether you do it yourself or have a
shop fix it.
Any of the data recovery shops can probably do this. Fixing a
connection on a pc board requires some experience so you don't mess up
the foil, but otherwise (and since it's just the power connection) there
aren't any big problems that I can think of. Anyone who has removed and
reinstalled ICs on pc boards should be able to do this easily.
> Does anyone know of a GOOD place
> to get this repaired in Southern CA?
Where are you in S.Cal.?
> The drive is one half of a JFS volume, so I need to have the
> repair done carefully with no changes to the data on the drive.
The power connection is likely far enough from the mechanics of the
drive that the data won't be in any danger. Just put a heat sink clip
on anything nearby that you don't want to get hot.
I fixed a memory chip once (when they had pins on them) that had a
broken pin. I cut a short wire off a 1/10 watt resistor and quickly
tack soldered it onto the chip where the missing pin had been. The chip
worked fine for years. Hey, memory chips were expensive at one time!
Anyway, your repair should be easier than that one. Do you know any ham
operators? They like to solder things. :)
- Peter
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