>"foreground". Is background a process that does not use the screen,
>keyboard or mouse and which doesn't show up on the Workplace Shell Switch
>List or the Ctrl-Esc Window List?
These are called detached processes.
An app can choose to show up in the switch list or not. This has nothing
to do with process type.
>Q2: Is "focus" the term for the window whose titlebar is blue (rather
>than gray) and which is receiving the keyboard and mouse activity?
Yes. However, OS/2 supports the notion of hook DLLs which can intercept
keyboard and mouse input before the focus window gets a chance to process
the inputs.
>Q3: Can a window pop itself to the top of the display? Can a process
>pop a _different_ processes' window to the top of the display?
Yes. Yes.
>Q4: Can a window be popped to the top of the display (so you can see it,
>i.e. "always on top") but _not_ receive "focus"?
Yes, sorta. The only way I know to do this is to take focus an pop up and
then return focus to the original app.
>(Steven: I've done some very limited testing with udesktop, thanks for
>the heads up. From my testing it appears to be limited to the first 19
>windows but I have a lot more testing to do.)
I wouldn't doubt that it's an old app that has not been enhanced in quite
a while.
"Steven Levine" MR2/ICE 2.37 #10183 Warp4/FP15/14.093c_W4 #scoug (Wed 7pm PST)
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