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Well, you're going to be shocked, Steven. I have now been able to boot the
cloned scsiWarp with the ide 40gb drive powered on. Not only that, but I
played with some of the same networking files that got the P2 dns working,
and I have dns working fine on scsiWarp as well!!! It uses the dani drivers.
Side question: I have Opera installed as an evaluation copy, and can't find
a way to import bookmarks from Mozilla or Netscape.... in fact, from
anywhere. Can it be done?
I will attach an fdisk /query:all done from the scsiWarp partition. I had to
hide several partitions to boot scsiWarp.
So the only real remaining problem is to create a set of install diskettes
that will boot up with both hard drives (scsi 160 and 40gb ide) attached,
properly see the ide drive layout, be able to create an installable ide
partition, and start an install from cdrom.
Steven Levine writes:
> In <20030616235124.9530.qmail@courtney.linkline.com>, on 06/16/03
> at 04:51 PM, waynec@linkline.com said:
> snip <
>>I intended to clone all the partitions with the same drive letters.
> OK. Then that's what we will work towards.
> snip <
>>An offshoot of problem 2 was my attempt to tailor a set of install
>>diskettes that would work with the 40gb ide on the AMD, so I could use
>>them to make alterations to the scsiWarp cloned partition to try to get
>>it to recognize and use the ide 40gb drive. Except I never got them to
>>be able to boot on the AMD when the scsi drive is cabled in. Incomplete
> Without a working set of boot diskettes that see both drives properly, you
> will never make much progress. You need to focus on this.
>>I had tried, as I said previously, to put the dani drivers on the install
>> diskettes, but that got me into trouble later when I tried to install
>>Warp on the AMD from the Warp cdrom (that program couldn't find the
>>cdrom, and when I fixed that issue, it then insisted on ibm1s506.add). I
>>have been using the dani drivers on the P2 for several years. So, what
>>do you suggest
> Build a set of install diskettes with danis506.add and the aicu160.add.
> We'll will fix the boot and install failures one step at a time. There's
> nothing you've mentioned that can not be handled with a piece of paper
> that documents the special handling that you might need to do.
> Let me know where the boot/install process fails.
OK, I'll probably work on this tomorrow. But, now I think it might be better
to build them with the IBM drivers, since that is what seems to be required
when one tries to re-install from the original IBM Warp cdrom.
Actually, you already have the listings of disk 1 and disk 2, with the
config.sys and snoop.lst listings off disk 1. I saw "loading aicu160.add" go
by prior to it hanging while showing "loading ibm1s506.add".
>>(I thought everybody uses the dani drivers these days)?
>>So, all it has to be is a bootable primary partition anywhere on any
> Nope. Warp4 can boot just fine from a logical.
>>I'm not sure how it becomes a D: drive except by having another
> A partition becomes D: because it's the 2nd partition that OS2DASD.DMD
> assigns a drive letter to. This is going to be the 2nd visible primary or
> if there's only one visible primary, it's going to be the first visible
> logical.
>>it's a primary partition and it's in bootmanager, that any other primary
>>partitions that are put in bootmanager become invisible upon booting
> Warp allows at most one primary per drive to be visible.
I'm still confused about this, Steven.... suppose I want to put C: WinXP
plus 3 logical partitions (E:, F:, G:) and another large data partition on
the ide, with the bootable Warp (D: scsiWarp) plus 4 more logical partitions
and a bootable "vanilla" one-pack maintenance Warp (Warp1vol) on the scsi
drive(s). Further suppose I want to be able to boot scsiWarp or WinXp
without either seeing the other, and boot Warp1vol to be able to see
scsiWarp, but not WinXP?
I think that's what I'd like to end up with.
Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="QUERYALL.LST"
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"; name="QUERYALL.LST"
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Drive Name Partition Vtype FStype Status Start Size
1 0000003f : 1 17 4 0 4000
1 007d047e : 1 0a 2 4000 7
1 ideWarp C: 2 07 1 4008 1992
1 00bb86bd : 3 00 0 6000 32161
2 0000003f : 1 0a 2 0 7
2 00003ec1 : 1 14 0 7 15
2 Warp1vol : 2 17 1 23 737
2 scsiWarp D: 2 07 1 760 1506
2 0046d820 E: 2 06 0 2267 1466
2 0074af1b F: 2 06 0 3733 1506
2 00a3bfdb G: 2 06 0 5240 1459
2 00d15815 H: 2 04 0 6699 15
2 00d1d597 I: 2 04 0 6714 15
2 00d25319 J: 2 04 0 6730 15
2 00d2d09b K: 2 07 0 6746 2000
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