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In <>, on 06/02/2003
at 11:19 PM, said:
>I think I now have a good set of install diskettes with the latest
>programs, I could find on my system. But I was not able to find an
>ibm1s506.add newer than 6/16/2000... my search of the IBM DD Pak site,
>or of Google was fruitless; perhaps someone can direct me to a place I
>can download a later version.
(2) Click on "Download!" (May 2003)
(3) 'Ctrl F' ===> for 'ibm1s506' which will yield only dani's
'DANIS506.ADD' 1.64 replacement driver (4) "Updates from last month's
column:" Click on 'last month's' (April 2003) (5) 'Ctrl F' ===> for
'ibm1s506' which will again yield nothing (6) "Updates from last month's
column:" Click on 'last month's' (March 2003) (7) 'Ctrl F' ===> for
'ibm1s506' which will now show you the latest version of 'ibm1s506.add' is
12/31/02 according to Gary. Download the driver file.
Gary Wong's "Download!" column is a tremondous asset and is used as a key
piece in creating the SCOUG CD.
"Larry Tawa"
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