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In <>, on 10/28/2002
at 06:33 AM, Steve Carter said:
>I bought mine as an IBM refurb, paying top dollar on the refurb market.
>Being new to laptops, I wanted to be sure I had a good one. For me, at
>that time, the "peace of mind" was important (it was a family gift). IBM
>refurbs are lease returns, and supply depends on what is coming back to
>them off lease. Current offerings are certainly different now.
I have recently been carousing the refurbished IBM notebook market. I am
aware that some new models have 3 year warranties (ex T series) while
others have a 1 year warranty (ex A series). Refurbished IBM notebooks
have a 90 day warranty.
Since I am not following the ThinkPad market, I would like to ask you a
very *vague* question. What in your opinion is a fair market value in
buying a refurbished IBM notebook (refurbished by IBM and not secondary
vendor)? Fair market value as defined by percentage of current market
price for the same unit in brand new condition with full warranty.
"Larry Tawa"
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