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Hi Harry
Setting up a LAN has 2 important components: HW & Setup !
Steven mentioned Chuck McKinnis website !
That's a good reference.
Myself I just changed from my elder SMC 10MB NIC's
to Intel PRO 100 NIC's which I bought new from eBay ;-))
> I'm trying to establish a LAN in my home.
> I need a network card that's OS/2 compatible.
> Does anyone have any suggestions/experience in this area?
> For a relative complete list:
The second component is how to setup the LAN.
Judy McDermott has written a helful textfile "How To !"
Here is the link:
It is easy to understand and describes the setup of an OS/2
workstation as also an WIN95 workstation.
Another important topic is either "cabled" or "wireless"
but I do have the normally cabled LAN and no experience
with "wireless" till now.
In Germany is ARtem and they shall have OS/2 drivers for
wireless components !?
With my next move I perhaps may change to wireless too
it will be more safe till then ;-)
Good luck !
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