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Hi Svobi,
Info2SYNass.NET wrote:
> After backgrading from DaniS506.ADD version 1.51 to
> version 1.45 and rebooting the system I still got
> presented the "Version 1.51" on my screen ;-(
> Once more I compared the files and copied version
> 1.45 manually and with the next reboot I got
> displayed version 1.45 correctly
You might have more than one copy of DaniS506.ADD on your boot drive.
Try running
dir C:\danis506.add /s
and see if more than one shows up. The driver is loaded with a BASEDEV=
statement and if I remember correctly the associated driver may be in
either the \OS2\BOOT\ directory *or* in the root directory, but I don't
know which directory is checked first.
> My present configuration:
> IDE1 UDMA66 master HDD0 is the system only drive Quantum 7.5GB
> IDE2 UDMA66 empty
> IDE3 UDMA100 master HDD1 is the executables only drive DW 20GB
> IDE3 UDMA100 slave HDD2 is the data only drive IBM DTLA 75GB
> IDE4 UDMA100 empty
> >The problem appears to (at least sometimes) affect
> >drives on the Secondary IDE channel but not the
> >Primary IDE channel. Are your two smaller drives
> >on the Primary while your 75 GB is on the Secondary?
> Very curious !
> With IDE1 & IDE 3 I am not using these "secondary" channels !?
> Or is my interpretation like this wrong ??
You are correct; you aren't using the IDE Secondary channel. Your 75 GB
drive is on the Tertiary channel.
Andrew Belov has just uploaded the new version of SmartMon. Here's the
> I had another very curious experience:
> To gain from the max speed of the channels and the drives I
> tried to connect my executable drive as master on IDE3 and
> wanted to connect my data driver to IDE4 but got system traps
I don't know why that would happen. There is a way to determine what
module is causing the trap but I've never tried it; I think you have to
run "PROCDUMP ON C:\TEMP" and then run PMDF. Steven Levine can give you
more info on this and if I'm wrong he can sandiego me. See PROCDUMP.DOC
(it's a text file in \OS2\SYSTEM\RAS\) for more info.
It would be well worth your time to find the cause of the trap, since
once it's fixed you can then move your data drive to IDE4.
- Peter
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