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Harry Chris Motin wrote:
> [from EA] "Two NIC cards have been
> a historic challenge for OS/2 users."
You have to load the NIC driver twice (in CONFIG.SYS) if you have two
NICs. If both NICs are the same then it can be a little tricky
(sometimes a *lot* tricky) figuring out which NIC is associated with
which driver (they both have the same name which is always fun when
doing the network setup). When you have two different NIC chips with
different drivers, the drivers can only identify their own NIC so the
human confusion is less (you know which is which).
Steven mentioned the SLOT parameter. I don't remember seeing that on
the drivers for 10 Mbit ISA cards, which is where that "historic
challenge" stuff applies. PCI makes life easier.
Do you have your NICs yet? If so, what did you get?
> ... the Injoy Firewall Pro.
Tim Katz uses Injoy Firewall but I don't know if it's the Pro version.
He's not on this list but he comes to a lot of the SCOUG meetings.
> Injoy needs 2 NIC cards from the same
> manufacturer for top notch performance.
Heck if I know. Personally, I would expect Injoy to give you top notch
performance no matter what combination of cards you used. There's an
Injoy mailing list (injoy_products at if you
want to ask.
I've heard that some of the NIC *drivers* aren't particularly fast under
a heavy network load but I've never done any testing on this.
I'm using an SMC hardware firewall right now but don't particularly like
it. Once I recover from my two months in San Diego I might try Injoy.
- Peter
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