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The Readme in the 2.0 ver. of eCS-Clock that whose link Steven sent me
revealed the purported secrets of de-installing the prior version that
came standard with the eCS install. One needs to REM out more lines
than first appeared to be the case, remove the scheduler from the
startup folder, and zap the eCS-clock directory. Now that I've done
that and rebooted, on-white-background digital clock display is
replaced by an on-black-background digital clock display (I didn't
check the Timezone stufff, but that must all be gone now), yet I'm
still taking _the same_ constant 5% to 8% cpu hit with no app.s
running. So, either the eCS Clock was never really the cause, or . .
. ? I'd like to find out before trying the later version.
Steven mentioned something about checking for a hidden, duplicate
Startup Folder, using Checkini (or was it Cleanini ?). I'd like to do
that with a strictly diagnostic / reporting mode.
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