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If you are responding to someone asking for help who
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J. R.,
I've been reading a couple of these exchanges between you and Steven. I
do not have ECS, so what I am going to say may not work for you.
However, here goes! I have a similar problem with creating the OS/2
Utility Boot Diskettes (4 diskettes created), whenever I selected the
option to use the new files on my hard drive, instead of the files on
the installation CD-ROM. The utility bombs on the second diskette (not
enough room). Nevertheless, I still want to use the newer files on my
hard drive. My solution:
1. Find out what drivers the system is trying to write to the diskettes
that are useless on your system (for example, the Adaptec SCSI drivers,
if you have an all EIDE system)
2. Find out where the boot utility is getting this drivers. Is it from
your hard drive? If so, temporarily replace them with files of zero (0)
3. Re-run the boot diskette utility. This time, you should have enough
room on the resulting diskettes
4. Fix the CONFIG.SYS file on the diskettes. "REM" those lines that
load the drivers that you replaced with 0 sized files
If that works for you, I would create a duplicate set of boot diskettes.
In my opinion diskettes can easily get damaged. It would be a shame, if
you could not use the diskettes, when you really needed, because unknown
to you, they were damaged.
Hope the above helps
"J. R. Fox" wrote:
> =====================================================
> If you are responding to someone asking for help who
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> > >apparently using v. 9.17) in W3, and later W4. I don't know if the
> > >"rules" changed along the way, but obviously this no longer yields a
> Steven replied:
> > The rules didn't change, but the files did get bigger and that makes it
> > more difficult the fill the diskettes correctly in all cases. There are
> > workarounds.
> In some cases, I think we have no choice but to find smaller versions of certain files, even if they are older. For example, the AIC7870.ADD that is loaded from a
> h/d boot (even in W4 circa FP-9) is much larger than the older one I used with diskette sets of that period. I'm hoping that one will still be acceptable. In
> other cases, such substitutions may not be possible (?), because of the way some drivers etc. must match up with the later kernels. If it's doable, I'll get it to
> work. Otherwise, there just wasn't going to be a workable combination for BOOTOS2, no matter how I juggle this. (I've never been a great fan of the IBM Utility
> Disks set, but it does seem to have a different organizational scheme.)
> > > It would be much easier if we did not have the space
> > >constraints, and could use other bootable / removeable media for this,
> > >such as CD.
> >
> > You can. There are several bootable image tools for OS/2.
> Such as BOOTABLE, which has turned up on the VOICE list. Looks to be worth checking out.
> > Google is your friend. Ooops, I said it again.
> Only Britney gets to say that.
> Jordan
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