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Date: Sun, 24 Nov 2002 03:30:18 PST7
From: "Info2SYNass.NET" <Info@SYNass.NET >
Subject: SCOUG-Help: help, I'm in attribute hell

Content Type: text/plain

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Hi Wayne
I just checked Hobbes to make sure that they are on accurate
version 5.05: OK !

I just wanted to provide the link to DFSee's webiste and found
this here:

Here is the direct link to DFSee:

which also is linking to the SCOUG tutorial ;-)

As a NON-techie I am not very familiar with this interesting tool.
I also have to learn much more but hope I will never have a need
really need it ;-)

I will place some answers dirct into your text below: on 24.11.2002 01.27.22
Please respond to
Subject: SCOUG-Help: help, I'm in attribute hell

>Info2SYNass.NET writes:
>> Hi Wayne
>> your wrote ...
>>>Using the PQmagic 5.0 diskette, I deleted an unused 500mb
>> partition on an old drive and did a combination of a move
>> and a resize on my E: partition on that same drive,
>> basically moving an 850mb FAT partition 500mb closer to the
>> An elementary warning !
>> Never maintain an NON-WIN system environment WITH any WINtools
>> I suggest you lool for DFSee to do such things in future !?
>> Cheers, svobi
>Thanks, svobi, I located that DFSee utility on Hobbes and I'll
have a look
>at it.

Already commented. You may be more technical oriented and may
understand better how DFSee works ;-)
On the other hand: Jan van Wijk is very helpful and very prompt
with his assistance !

Intersting is that you can use different versions of DFSee for
OS/2, DOS and also WIN systems ;-))

>Powerquest's PQmagic 5.0 is what I used to resize and move the
>and I've used it extensively in the past without any problems,
although I
>only recently started using version 5.0.

On and off I am also still working with my old PM 2.03 ;-)
but feel insecure with since I am using these bigger HDD's
with up to 75GB.
I already ran into harsh problems that all data above 32GB
disappeared ;-((

>However it IS possible that I ran
>Win95 scandisk against that partition (I think I've used
scandisk in the
>past without any problems).

The trouble with scandisk under WIN is: Not you may have done ...
... ScanDisk comes and runs without any warning like a CHKDSK
but with ugly consequences sometimes ;-((

>It was obviously an OS/2-only problem, because the winos2
programs were able
>to use the files in that partition even though OS/2 couldn't.
>As you probably read in my prior post, I was able to get past
the problem by
>using Win95 to rename the ea data.sf file and then booting Warp4
>diskettes to run chkdsk /f against the partition (that file
apparently had
>been preventing chkdsk /f from running).

I have read your prior post and suggest to prepare a Maintence
with BootOS2 from your present system environment ;-)
BTW: If you apply a newer FP ...
... the MP will also be recognized by the "FixServe" program and
so your
MP is maintained together with your real system ;-))

I already have done so !

Cheers, svobi
I already

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