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Hi Steven,
I stopped by the nearest electronics supply store, and picked up the
Freeze spray you suggested, but it may be too late for that.
My apparent heat-related failures have gone from one every 2 - 3
weeks, to one every 2 - 3 days, and things may be much worse than
that. Last night, I got a notice that OS/2 could not write the INI
files, Netscape and some other app.s refused to launch, though I was
able to do a proper shutdown. After that, the system would not reboot
at all, so I left it off until this (Mon.) afternoon. If this List
does not hear from me for a good while, you will know why.
The main symptom continues to be an apparent thermal recal failure on
the SCSI boot drive. I hate messing with the h/w, since it's not
really my forte at all, but I was dead in the water, so I had no
choice. The Granite Digital SCSI cable has connectors for 3 hard
drives, even though I've never had more than two. I disconnected the
original drive connector, and re-connected with the 3rd. one, and
that's how I'm able to send this message out. My Warp 4 desktop came
up, though a few things are askew, like the wrong orientation of the
launchpad. If the H/D keeps going long enough, maybe it was the
connector. If not, the days of this boot drive (a less than 1 year
old IBM Ultrastar) are surely numbered.
[Steve Carter, if you're reading this, I may need that recommendation
for a good local systems repair shop, sooner rather than later.
Better to have it in hand. My voice # is 818-509-7763.]
One thing I had in mind to do was to try to clone the boot drive,
using either GHOST or DRIVE IMAGE, H/D to H/D, before it's too late.
Out of an abundance of caution, and a hedge against future drive
issues for OS/2, I happen to have purchased a duplicate model of both
SCSI drives within the last year. Now I hope I will still be in time
to try this, but some issues loom. Do I just need to set the SCSI ID
for the bare drive ? No partitioning or formatting . . . because
either of the above-mentioned programs will take care of this
automatically, on a bit-level ? No burn-in or testing of the fresh
drive ?
To remind you, this is a multi-OS, multi-boot system. All of the OSes
are on Drive 1, except for eCS, which is on Drive 2.
I'm going to send this out right now, while I still can, and may add
more later, if possible. I'm used to having a reliable system, and
this is presently the only one I have, so this is a rather unsettling
situation for me to be in, computer-wise.
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