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One of my favorite cheap places on the 'net is selling 366MHz 600E Thinkpads.
These are _NOT_ IBM-refurbished but they sure are cheap;
They have _NO_ OS. WARP 4 is well supported on this model.
I've bought hardware from these guys before, and as long
as I was fairly selective, I've received what I expected.
At this price, I'm seriously thinking of getting a "spare".
I already have almost all the good peripherals and a spare battery.
I wanted a 400MHz CPU, but at this price, only 10% slower looks
real attractive to me.
On 10/27/02, Info2SYNass.NET wrote, in part:
>Hello SCOUG members
>I would appreciate your assistance in finding a replacement for
>my old notebook.
>My Toshiba T4900CT with an 75MHz CPU with a max RAM of 40MB,
>however in a very good condition, is getting really very slow !
>So I began looking and searching in an attractive replacement !?
>With my investigations especially regarding OS/2 Warp v4 my
>decision goes to the model 600e of IBM's Thinkpad with a 400MHz CPU.
>I am also looking on eBay and but noticed the
>restriction of being delivered to the US only ;-(
>Do you know a very good address to get such a notebook in mint
>condition possibly with some additional features i.e more / max
>RAM or a Docking Bay ??
>Another special wish:
>Being in Europe / Switzerland I would appreciate the
>possibility to buy our special Swiss-German keyboard !?
>Your assistance, help, hints and suggestions are very appreciated!
>Thanks in advance ;-)
>Regards, svobi (Albert M. Svoboda)
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