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Date: Thu, 21 Nov 2002 23:37:17 PST7
From: "Info2SYNass.NET" <Info@SYNass.NET >
Subject: SCOUG-Help: Re: MustHave List: ThirdEye

Content Type: text/plain

If you are responding to someone asking for help who
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REPLY TO ALL feature of your email program.

Hi Digital Camera Users
Regarding the following message I do have a comment:

> The older one, which apparently still exists, as I recall seeing
>something about it not long ago on the VOICE news list, is
>newer project of the same type is being developed in Russia,
Ukraine, or
>somewhere like that, and I think it is called ThirdEye.

>I think gphoto works on USB, while the others use serial
>ports. I expect that ThirdEye will offer USB at some point.

Since Spring 2001 I am using a DigiCam too: a Ricoh RDC-7,
called an Image Capturing Device ;-)
I like its very various features ;-))

Unfortunately DCITU did not support my camera and I contacted the
programmer to assist him if he will add my camera ...
... he wasn't able to ;-(

Totally opposite the ThirdEye team:
Eugene Gorbunoff and Andy Porro were phantastic cooperative and
within a short time my exotic model was working with ThirdEye ;-)

I would suggest to look into ThirdEye because you will find
a very supportive team even if your camera isn't supported yet.
They are open for your suggestions and wishes !

This mail goes as CC to Eugene and Andy too: Thanks a lot to them

A happy user of ThirdEye ;-))

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