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This is a MIME encapsulated message.
Content Type: text/plain
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This evening I again tried to install RSJ cd-rw program. Results were the
same: lockup in boot sequence. I will describe what I did and the
First, I downloaded the exe. program from RSJ to my RSJ CD-writer file in
the D drive. Second, I executed the program to install. The RSJ install
page came up with the various installation options are listed. The
install button was engaged and the install program started. A window
appeared to personalize the program. My name was entered and the OK
button was pushed. A warning window appeared telling me the trial period
had ended. A button was punched for Ok and a message to restart the
computer before trying to reinstall again. Then a window appeared saying
the install was complete and to restart the computer for the program to be
functional. Third, following the directions from RSJ support:
If you want to give it a new try you can perform the following steps:
- install our software
- change the following CONFIG.SYS line *before* the reboot from:
By that change our automatic recorder detection ( which - I guess -
is causing the hang during boot) and tells the driver to recognize
your drive manually
- replace the file c:\cdwfs\cddrv.inf with that one contained in
the mail."
I changed the BASEDEV=LOCKCDR.FLT statement in config.sys.
I deleted the cddrv.inf file and replaced it with the one in the
attachment that came with the RSJ support email. (See attachment)
Fourth, I rebooted the machine and it locked in booting. Here is the
message where the boot process locked:
"the path specified for it in the CONFIG.SYS file. Install this file
in the correct directory or correct the appropriate CONFIG.SYSfile
Daniela's Bus Master IDE Driver for OS/2 Version 1.4.5 Controller:0
Port: 01F0
IRQ:0E Status:ok Bus Master Scatter/Gather VIA 571 PCI to IDE IC Rev:06
DID:0571 @33MHz
Unit:0 Status:OK SMS:16 LBA Bus Master Ultra DMA4/PI04 BPB
Model:Maxtor 91366U4 RA530/JN0
OS2 Log Phys BIOS:log BPB:log IDE:log Phys
Total Sectors
C1655 26377 0 26377 16383
Avail 26588016 H 255 16 0 255
16 16 os2 26587575 S 63 63 0
63 63 63 %used 99.99
Controller:I Port:0170 IRQ:0F Status:OK Bus Master Scatter/Gather VIA
571 PCI to IDE IC Rev:06 VID:1106 DID:0571 @33MHz
Unit:0 Status:OK ATAPI Device PI04
Model LTN 483 BL1C
Unit:1 Status:OK ATAPI Device PI04
Model: Plextor cd-r PX-w1610A 1.03
OS/2 is unable to operate your hard disk or diskette drive. The system is
stopped. Correct the preceding error and restart the system"
Fifth, a recovery operation was performed to start the system with an
archived system dated yesterday, 11-6-02.
Sixth, the rsj.exe program to install was deleted from my RSJ CD Writer
folder in the D drive. I also deleted files in the CDWFS file located on
the C drive. This material is installed at time of installation. I
removed it to clean the folder.
Hopefully, corrective measures can be instigated from this information.
Content Type: application/zip
File attachment:
Content Type: text/plain
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(This is the attachment that was included in email from rsj support)
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