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If you are responding to someone asking for help who
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Dave Watson commented:
> I have lots of cubbyholes with stored snippets, articles, URLs, which I
> can sometimes find, sometimes not.
This must be a common problem. There's never enough time to organize things properly, or this just doesn't make the cut as a top priority. But we pay for it
later, when desperation sets in, searching for something (now suddenly important) that we know we have . . . somewhere.
> or if we're all just disorganized slobs.
Yeah, maybe some of that, too.
> Seems like the reasonable thing would be
> to collect and publish tips, links, articles of value to new users, old
> users who haven't encountered someone else's situation, or old users
> who have forgotten how they solved old problems. We used to have
> Warp Pharmacy, but it disappeared. Why would the community have
> allowed a valuable resource like that to die? VOICE tried to revive it
> with their Warp Doctor project, which began with grand ambitions but
> currently has a very short list of a few good articles. We should have a
> resource where Jordan could go to a list and click "Camera" and all
> sorts of articles, tips, tricks and such would be presented to help him
> solve his questions.
They weren't my questions -- I don't even own a digital camera yet. I was trying to recall the names of said items, responding to a question posed by Butch. But
yes, it would be great if we did have such a resource. There is another List to which I subscribe, devoted to an extinct but fabled word-processor. It has
message archives going back more than 10 years. With no more talent or wherewithal than we posess here, they are in the process of building an _internal_ search
template ("engine" may be too grand a description) for their archives. It will have fill-in fields (sort of like the alternative Deja News one), Boolean
operators, and date ranges. If they can do this, why can't we ? Or if it comes down to that, maybe we can borrow theirs, once it's done ?
> Seems like scoug-help would be a good forum to decide how our
> nuggets should be organized and published, and scour the countryside
> for the material to publish, and maintain it for the good of the
> community. I think others have failed because they tried to make it too
> hard. We don't need a one-button whiz-bang app, just a centralized
> place to organize some tips.
Either that or a section of the SCOUG website . . . which would greatly enhance its value as a browsing destination. Using the Help List might be more
difficult. To the best of my knowledge, we don't keep archives here, either for accumulated messages or for programs. All I know about this is that the other
List (software) apparently has some features this one lacks. For example, I get the Digest edition of each, but attachments to the other one are linked, and
clickable for d/l; on this List, attachments come through to the Digest edition as big blocks of gibberish.
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