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If you are responding to someone asking for help who
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I have recently been having a problem with MS OfficePro 4.3 Word & Excel,=
which I've run under WinOS2 on my Warp4 (at fp 15) system for years. =
When I try to use Word or Excel, any keystroke or mouse click seems to
drive processor utilization thru the roof, keeping it there sometimes for=
minutes at a time, which renders the applications pretty useless. Seems
like it could be a virus. I have the current beta version of Norman
anti-virus installed at the moment, and I've updated it online (today)...=
it is not finding a problem when used to scan the MSoffice or OS2
directories & subdirectories.
I have been trying to figure out what changed just before this problem
began, and the only thing I can come up with is that I've added the Norma=
anti-virus software, ...but there may be other things that I cannot
remember changing.
Anybody else encountered this problem or have any suggestions?
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