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>> Thanks, I now have the SCSI drive, and here is what I have found.
>> If I rem out the basedev=lockcdr.flt, then I can read CD's in the drive,
>> but I cannot enable RSJ to write to CD's.
>> If I leave in the lockcdr.flt device driver, I can use RSJ, but I no
>> longer have a CD reader.
>> OS2ASPI.DMD has been changed from /SHARE to /ALL.
>> I have an email in to RSJ, but in the meantime, I need to config.sys
>> files: one for reading CD's and one for writing to CD's.
>> Hopefully there is a tweak that has eluded me.
>Below is the relevant section from my Config.Sys. I assume that you are
>Attaching the burner drive when you wish to write to it (with the "Lock"
>line REMmed Out), and that the temp. drive letter (I believe "Z" is the
>default) is free and available for assignment. If you are using eCS or
>JFS partitions, I have no idea how that may affect your drive letter
>P.S. -- I don't know why the IDE line is there, since I happen to run all
>SCSI . . . but it works for me. If you are wondering about the values
>on the last line, I've found this is what is needed in order to make use
>of the 80 min. / 700 mb. CDs.
> REM {also needed by RSJ, and possibly others}
> REM *** RSJ CD-Writer File System ***
> RUN=G:\CDWFS\CDWFSD.EXE -p "K:/TEMP" -c700000 -b12048 -t2 -i3 -s8
Hi Jordon,
I think I have pretty much the same setup, and I am using HPFS under Warp
4; FP15. I have the default numbers in the last line: -c20000 -b2048 -t2
-i3 -s0
When I click on the "attach" command, I get:
"The system cannot find the device specified."
If I enable the BASEDEV=LOCKCDR.FLT, then I can attach the burner and
write to it normally.
Two interesting developments:
I can use the shareware program CDRECORD without difficulty, so I know the
media and the drive work. Lately, when I use CD Recorder, as opposed to CD
Writer Control, I get a sys3184 error. It may be that something has gotten
corrupted. I have sent an email to RSJ but haven't heard anything yet from
Still, I should be able to attach the burner without lockcdr.flt if you
can. Could there be anything else in config.sys that might be worth
Thanks very much,
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