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I wasn't too clear on what was desired in the original post
on this thread, but maybe the need could be met with a program
that was on Hobbes called 'OS2CHAT' that I used to use.
It is a chat server that only requires a telnet client
to connect to, most web browsers being able to connect to
it by giving an URL of type 'telnet://....'.
Anyway, what I can contribute on this.
On Tue, 05 March 2002, "Mark Abramowitz" wrote:
> Subject: SCOUG-Help:
> OS/2 chat ?
> Sender: scoug-help-owner
> To:
> From: "Mark Abramowitz"
> Reply-To:
> Date: Tue, 5 Mar 2002 09:38:36 PST7
> ................
> In <>, on 02/26/02
> at 06:35 PM, Peter Skye said:
> >Is there any kind of chat server that can be used by OS/2 browsers such
> >as Netscape 4.61 or Mozilla (Warpzilla)?
> Are you talking about IRC? If so, see
> If you're interesting in instant messaging, I don't know if it can be used
> as a server, but Opera for OS/2 has IM capability.
> --
> -----------------------------------------------------------
> "Mark Abramowitz"
> -----------------------------------------------------------
Dallas E. Legan II / /
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