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In response to
> >The best I could get out of Pac Bell Tech Support this morning
> >was a supervisor's notion that OS/2 does not cache one's password
> >for the connection, while Winblows does.
Tony Butka wrote:
> Horsepuckey. I have SBC/Pacbell as well. While their service sucked when they were running around overselling beyond their capacity to service, my actual
> connection has been just fine for the last 6-8 months. Now their e-mail and newsgroup services, on the other hand, are bad. It is not unusual for me to have a
> hang when trying to get e-mail for no apparent reason. The problem clears up by the next time I log on, but these hangs occur whatever operating system I'm
> using at the moment, not just OS/2. SBC bought them, and in their usual layoff/cut cut cut fashion has turned a reasonably ok ISP into a horror. Of course, so
> has everyone else thats left:-). I guess we'll just have to set up our own servers...
Thanks, Tony. It's always good to know when one's experience is not unique.
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